Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh Those Sinners. . .They Are Held in the Hand of An Angry God

So, first of all, the piece of literature that this post is based off of it the sermon of Jonathan Edwards, Sinners In The Hand of An Angry God. The sermon was about the fact that Puritans of Edwards' time believed God was always ready to take away an afterlife in Heaven. They believed that at any time you showed a lack in faith or sinned, Heaven would be taken away from you and you would spend your afterlife in Hell. Edwards uses analogies like "God is always pointing a bow and arrow at you heart" and if you were to sin, the arrow would fly and destroy the promise of Heaven.


Edwards' intent was most likely to bring a sense of unity to the Puritan community by living very similar, safe lives. If everyone was doing the same thing and following rules out of fear of God, they would be easy to control. Even though they are now in the New World to practice their religion freely and without government involvement, there was still theocracy. This is a separate government, but many decisions and rules are decided in correspondence to the Ten Commandments and other religious beliefs. Edwards was most likely a town leader, just as he was a pastor; he used fear of God to control his town.

Now, first of all, how did he come up with these beliefs? Was it pure imagination or did he get the idea from someone (I'm pretty sure he didn't read it in the Bible)? I guess we'll never know. But, what I know is that it is good to be God-fearing (I'm Catholic, by the way) but not to the point where I need to be scared of every little white lie. Not to the point where I lie awake at night and fear God shooting me with an arrow or drowning me with the rapids he holds back. I also don't believe that God would do such a thing. He may sometimes be an angry God, but a merciful one at that.

This sermon tells us how much the world has changed. We still refer to God in some government cases: oaths, The Pledge of Allegiance, and other things of that nature. But, our decisions aren't always based off of religion anymore and our government certainly doesn't control us through fear of our God. This is mostly because would not be possible. There are so many religious just within the United States and not everyone believes in God. Our society has become a place where our faith is a personal form of government where it is our job to control our actions and morals, not that of a pastor/official.


  1. That's a really good point about how we don't rule that way anymore now, the comparison was interesting. Also, i share your "wonder" of where Edward's picked this stuff up, because if he did simply make it up, that puts the church in an even bigger "ditch," if that makes any sense. Also, i GREATLY agree with your point that it's possible to worship God, without being completely terrified of his wrath. Good point, i guess Edward's just thought differently. Nice job! <3 Anna!

  2. Awesome Blog! I really agree in what you said about the puritans moving so they could follow their own religion and then having a theocracy being there. The government was the church and if they went against the government, they went against the church and vice versa! Its was kinda impossible to be your own person, huh?
