Sunday, January 16, 2011

King, still King

Every year around this time, we get a day off of school for a man that changed the way many people thought and started a movement that would bring the United States in to a new millennium.

Do we really think about this on that extra day we get to sleep in, though?

We don't, not really (or at least, I don't). And if you do, I commend you! Its not that we don't care, we just forget. I think that Martin Luther King has been moved more to the back of our minds. Teachers always make sure that he is not forgotten. They teach us of his life of how he moved people from anger and hatred to understanding and some peace. But we have forgotten the long marches, the speeches, the act of civilty during violence. He will never loose his title though; he deserved it because he allowed the thoughts of people to grow to the fact that everyone is the same. For some it took time to accept this. But, nevertheless, he changed the a small part of the world for the better.

Over time, as we move slowly towards complete equality, people will begin to forget him. Some else may start the next big movement and become that new 'king'. But, the memory of the man who began the movement that led us where we are today will live on in the people who believe what he stood for and carried out his dream.

King. . .is still king.

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