Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us VS. Them. . .Them AND Us. Wait. . .What?!

Okay so in EVERY conflict, dispute, argument, and disagreement of ANY kind, there has to be two parties. . .them. . .and us. Well, I guess unless its like a internal disagreement, with like your consciousness, another personality, a hard decision or something like that-okay, I'm rambling.

So, going into specifics, the Crucible is definitely a good example. There are two sides to the million dollar question: are there witches in the village of Salem, or is it all just heresay and rumors? The side who is allied "with the Church and with God" of course believe that Satan has infiltrated the town and there is indeed witches present. This includes the court, Parris, the Putnams, and everyone in favor of the hangings. These are the people with motives to benefit themselves, whether it be for self image or money. They are convinced that children are innocent and have been bewitched by the Devil and witches.

In the other corner, we have the people who are falsely accused but prove to be the closest to God. These are people like Rebecca Nurse, the Proctors, and all the other women accused who did not confess. They did not confess (lie) to being witches, they stayed true to God. These good people have no motive except for saving their loved ones from the unfair judgments of the court.

So whats a conflict without some violence? Of course, the court has the highest authority, they are "officially" allied with God and have the final say whether you are a witch or not. They basically don't take no for and answer; you are either a witch, or you hang. The people filled with goodness don't stand a chance, they are condemned if they refuse to lie.

The story goes back and forth: accusing people, saving people from Satan, questioning people, accepting their confessions, no longer accepting their already accepted confessions. There are two sides all of a sudden because a stupid girl can't get what she wants. Before this whole thing, it was them AND us, not them VS. us (well, maybe except for Proctor and Parris. . .)!! So is that really how it has to be? Does violence have to be done to realize what happened was wrong? This whole story reflects martyrdom; all of these good people paid the ultimate price to stay true to themselves, retain (or in Proctor's case, regain) their goodness, and stay true to God.

1 comment:

  1. makes sense to me. i agree with what you said about martyrdom, because honestly that could be one of the underlying meanings of the Crucible, that and don't randomly accuse your neighbor of witchcraft, haha. anyway, i also agree with how you viewed the story, there was one side, the puritans vs. satan/witchcraft, but then suddenly it split into two because of abigail....jerk... anyhoo, nice job!!!
